Stock News 24

Fresh from BPL T20 Cricket

Friday 4 February 2011

Panic brings down stocks

Panic brings down stocks

Dhaka stocks fell heavily yesterday as panic-driven investors went for sell-offs fearing another collapse amid fresh liquidity crisis and two regulatory directives, said market operators.

In choppy trading, the benchmark general index of the DSE plunged 183.80 points, or 2.51 percent, to close at 7,125.33 points, as share prices of 231 issues out of the total 257 went down.

The DSE had experienced a similar trading on Wednesday but the general index of the bourse advanced 28.16 points as bank issues pulled the market for the day, although prices of 75 percent issues slid.

“All sectors retraced today,” said BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Ltd in its daily market update yesterday.

News Source: Daily Star

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